I gave my first presentation to the web team today. It was on writing effectively for the web. I probably should have prepared more, but I think it went well overall.
And did I ever speak fast! Must have had some nerves, which is strange since I’m a bit of a talker (understatement) and speaking within a group is never a problem. It’s pretty daunting when the spotlight is directly on you though.
The team gave me some great feedback and they seemed interested. That was great to see, especially since I didn’t do my first topic… Jabba the Hut vs. Yoda, who’s sexier? (We would need two hours for that debate.)
I also want to share this letter my co-worker Jheryll (the thug) sent me. As a designer, I would love to have Mick as a client (call me!). The best thing about this is that the album Andy created is considered one of the best of all time (Sticky Fingers). See what happens when you are given complete artistic freedom. And I do realize this doesn’t relate to my presentation at all. (As Ruby always tells me…RANDOM!)
>Hmm. Definitely random at the end, but overall, great writing as always. You may need a separator of some-sort between there. =)
>There will be no separator RUBY!