It’s my last day in Venice and there is a thunderstorm going on right now. I made it back to the room in time. Whew!
Yesterday was another warm, sunny day; a good day to wander around, which is exactly what I did. The nice thing about this city is you easily get lost, but then find your way again.
I would tell you where I went yesterday, but I have no idea where I was for most of it. I passed through markets and alleys that led nowhere. Went over so many bridges I lost count. Ate something wherever I went; pizza, fresh fruit, fresh strawberry juice, ice cream, cookies, more pizza and more ice cream. Oh, and this drink they call “Gingerina.” Took a chance thinking it might be like ginger ale. Not even close. I can’t even place the taste.
I ended up having one of my pizza slices outside a little restaurant that had the most delicious looking things called “special toast.” They looked like extravagant pizzas on ciabattas, loaded with fresh ingredients. They were enormous! I didn’t get one because I wasn’t so hungry, but the couple sitting beside me did and they gobbled it up.
The couple were from Raleigh, North Carolina. I didn’t get their names, but we ended up having our lunch together. We sat and chatted for over an hour. She is a pharmacist and he is a top Marketing Sales Associate for the largest rubber adhesive company in the world. I believe it was called “Lord.” (Nothing to do with religion he said.) He seems to travel everywhere in the world for his job. I would imagine that’s exciting at first, but then wears thin after awhile.
Anyways, I had a great lunch with them. Definitely a highlight to Venice. It was nice to have a lively conversation over a meal. Haven’t had that in awhile. Forgot how much I missed it. Actually, I haven’t had a good argument for a long time either. I’m sure CJ is missing that at work! 😉
Last night as I was walking back to the hotel room through St. Mark’s square, I stopped to watch all the couples enjoying themselves as they listen to the orchestras play. It’s so cute! This one older couple were bopping along, arms around each other with a hand in the other’s back pocket. I couldn’t resist, I had to snap a shot of them.
When I got back to the room I got a call from Chuck. He always knows when to phone me somehow. Spidey senses? He was looking for the lawnmower recharger. Ha ha. Nice, I got him mowing and cleaning cat litter. Next step, shoveling snow!
More of the same for today. For me, Venice is a two-day max visit. Now onto Florence. Ciao