Today was a great day in Rome. It was my last day of sightseeing. I’m here until Friday, but tomorrow I’m going to shop, pack and relax.
After breakfast this morn, I walked back to the ancient ruins. I couldn’t resist, it’s the coolest place. I started at Circus Maximus. It’s really just a gigantic hole. But an awesome hole. That’s where the chariot races were held and the stands could hold up to 250,000. That’s crazy.
Afterwards I went back to the Roman Forum and paid to go in again. The tour I was on earlier this week didn’t take us up Palatine hill and I wanted to see the views of Rome from up there. It didn’t disappoint. This place is just a gigantic “wow!” After seeing all this I want to watch every movie or TV show on Rome when I get home. Maybe even “Ben Hur.” I said maybe
As I was walking back to the hotel I met this really nice guy named Xi Tong who was selling photographs of Italy with an urban touch. I bought two. I’m happy. I have purchased a piece of art in every place I’ve been to. Have no idea where I’m going to hang all this stuff yet!
When I got back to the hotel I was boiling. It was stinking hot out today with no clouds. I cannot get over seeing Italians wearing sweaters and tall leather boots in this weather. I jumped in the pool when I got back. A nice quick cool down. I’m really enjoying this hotel. (They also make a great Bruschetta with fresh mint. Yummy)
Tonight I went to the Teatro dell’Opera to see their production of “Roberto Devereaux.” I’ve always wanted to go to the opera, what a treat to actually go in Italy! I didn’t know anything about this piece, but here’s what I figured out:
Queen Elizabeth I loves Roberto Devereaux.
Roberto loves Sarah, the Queen’s lady in waiting.
Sarah loves Roberto and is having an affair with him.
No one loves Sarah’s husband.
Roberto is put to death.
Elizabeth is distraught about his death, even though I think she ordered it.
The Queen was performed by Carmela Remigio and she was phenomenal. Her voice was sublime. At the end of the performance, when the music was getting more and more dramatic, she had her final solo performance. It was just tragic to listen to. I was transfixed. Then she hit a note of such passion that my heart lifted and tears instantly started streaming down my face. Now that’s incredible. Women were sobbing everywhere and the men were screaming “BRAVA!” Yes, brava indeed. That’s an experience I will never forget. I’m emotional just typing about it.
One last thing. I’m very proud that I haven’t been clipped or hit by a car here. They drive like maniacs and there is no such thing as “the pedestrian has the right of way.” I wonder how many people are hit a year? I should google that.
Orchid at my table at the hotel:
>I knew I should have bet someone that the opera was going to make you cry… dammit. Also, you're suppose to make eye contact with the driver then cross without hesitation. It took me 10 minutes to cross a pedestrian crosswalk the first time I arrived in Rome. Glad to hear Rome has treated you well.
>Hard to make eye contact sometimes. Ha. I just started following Italians across the street. Makes it much easier.