Just like the students of Hogwarts, our little HPN club took a break from magic during the summer holiday. With those warm summer days far behind us we were raring to get her going again and this instalment was to begin with a special Harry Hallowe’en party.
Lindsay the Golden Snitch arrived first, natch. She was then followed by Loony, oops, Luna Lovegood who came armed with brand new wands for us all. She said she found them under some Crumple-Horned Snorkacks but we weren’t buying that — those creatures don’t exist. I greeted my guests with a big Snape-like smile on my face while wearing Neville Longbottom’s grandmother’s clothes. “After all this time you still love Snape?” they asked. “Always,” I replied.
With our new wands we tried conjuring up a Patronus to ask it what movie to watch. Didn’t work. I guess we forgot the Patronus Charm is advanced magic and we are just Muggles. So through the great power of discussion we chose to go with The Order of the Phoenix. With all the Luna Love-goodness happening this night, the movie she first makes her appearance in ended up being the perfect choice. Funny how each one of these nights so far ends up with a definitive theme.
HPN IV treats
- Miss Luna Laurenda Lovegood arrived wearing her Butterbeer cork necklace while holding a tray of nasty Nargle skewers, which is kind of weird when you think about it since she wears that necklace to ward off Nargles. Odd girl. She also brought a tasty “I think I’ll have some pudding” dip and a bunch of stolen potions from Snape’s cupboard to make some bloody good caesars.
- Lindsay the Golden Snitch arrived after a quick stop at Hagrid’s hut to grab some Pumpkin Patch Puree. She then hovered over us and watched as we noshed on a few of her Golden Snitch Ball friends. That Snitch cray.
- As for my-Snape-as-Neville’s-Grandmother-self, I dashed off to Honeydukes to create a candylicious concoction of Eyeball Bonanzas, Pumpkin Pasties, Ton-tongue Toffee and some of Buckbeak’s Squeeks. I also hit up the Herbology Greenhouses to get a few plants and fungi to make Neville’s not-so-mundane Mediterranean Gillyweed Dip with Nagini chips. This was all washed down with a fresh batch of Pumpkin Juice.

Neville’s Mediterranean gillyweed dip with Nagini chips and Luna’s Nargle skewers with “I think I’ll have some pudding” dip.
Until next time, my fellow Potterheads…
Oh, and if you have a fun idea for a snack or cocktail, please let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear your creative concoctions. The more Snape-themed ones, the better.
Read about our past Harry Potter Nights here.