Last night, I was watching the Stingray Retro channel, like I do, when this music video came on…
And when the video credits appeared I almost fell out of my chair!

Look at that date!

Really? 2003??? That song is from 2003? That’s 17 years ago! Jesus, I didn’t think it was that old.
Like, you can see really old stuff and go, “yes, I remember, that’s so 90s (or even 80s),” but this? This seems not that long ago BUT. IT. IS.
Have you found that too? That some of the stuff you were into that feels like just a little while back is, in actuality, damn old?
Like the movie Gladiator. Released in 2000 people! Those are YTK times!! I’M DED.
Geez, this recent-old content makes me feel more ancient than looking at nostalgic shit from my youth in the 80s and 90s. Weird. and kind of perplexing. Why does this sting worse?
Anyways, maybe I’m just writing this because I was obsessed with André 3000 back then and it’s definitely been a minute since I’ve listened to him. Way more than a minute as I discovered last night.