Look up, way up, that’s where you’ll find us walking over the jungle canopy.
In November 2021, my partner Chuck and I spent a morning at the Lekki Conservation Centre where they have seven suspension bridges that make up “The Longest Canopy Walkway in Africa.”
I gotta tell you, suspension bridges don’t usually freak me out, but after the second one I was a mess. So much so that our guide thought it would be fun to film me walking across the highest section. 🤯
He filmed us and also took photos of us all while he was walking backwards and while I was just struggling to stay alive. And, boy, did they laugh at me. Whatever! I’m too clumsy for this 🤬!
Weak-kneed above the trees
What we saw when we were above the tree canopy was nothing short of spectacular. We watched kites (birds of prey) soar and collect long sticks to make a nest, monkeys making huge leaps from tree to tree and looked out at the ocean and surrounding areas.
What a treat! Even if I was dying on those bridges.

Treehouse vibes
“After a long walk above the trees, how about a climb up to this tree house?”
How about “no.” 😒
After our canopy walk over the trees and on those crazy suspension bridges, a climb up a giant tree was a hard no for me. But Chuck went and waved to me. I stayed below on firm ground taking selfies and looking out for wildlife. Talked to a few monkeys. Watched some crocs. Waved to the tree people.

In the swamp
The tree canopy rises from the floor of the jungle in the middle of a swamp, where we saw crocodiles, turtles, monkeys and fishes that looked like snakes (which had Chuck hightailing it outta there). Oh and actual snakes, which continued to keep Chuck on his toes. 🐍

Monkey time!
Monkeys! I don’t have anything else to say but MONKEYS!! Funny little rascals. 🐒🐒🐒

Your intrepid explorers 😂
When your tour guide takes a mean photo and many of them!