Author: Kirsten Neil
Bring poppies for a weary mind

Over the years, I have tried numerous times to grow bunches of poppies in the garden and they either die out or don’t even come up in the first place. Except this one, a light peachy oriental poppy that sprouts one or two blooms a season for me. They only live a few days, but … [Read more]
Autumn, when every leaf is a flower

Don’t you just love the colours of fall? For me, the beauty of this season makes the short transition from Manitoba’s beautiful summers to harsh winters bearable. I’m on a roll with the painting right now. This is my latest piece. I’m using Michael O’Callaghan’s beautiful “Autumn Leaves” photo as a reference. It doesn’t look as vibrant as … [Read more]

So last January I made a simple resolution to start painting again. After 9 months of saying it, I have actually got off my butt and started doing it. Ah, procrastination, how I love thee. My first painting in over 2 years is of my favourite grumpy guy, Stanley. This feline friend isn’t your regular … [Read more]
The way forward

I just watched this video of the great Karen McGrane giving her keynote presentation at the CS Forum in London. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there in person. Drat! She talks about what’s next for content strategy in this crazy, crazy world. Give it a watch if you get a chance, it’s spot on about content problems … [Read more]
Please say it ain’t over

But it is, or close to. Summer, you leave so quickly; faster and faster each year. Geesh, it’s not a race buddy. Yesterday, my friend mentioned that it never fails, each year you wake up on September 1st and you feel that crisp air that signals the onset of autumn. She’s right, I felt it … [Read more]
Map it out!

Yesterday I spent my evening placing a new world map on cork board. The reason? I want to do that thing where you pinpoint all the places you’ve been and places you want to go. I spent a good couple hours setting it up and pushing my pins. I’m sure I will have many more … [Read more]
Go ahead, get fresh

Over the weekend, Chuck and I ate a bunch of fresh produce and home-baked goodies that we picked up at the St. Norbert Farmers Market. Wow, not only were the veggies juicy, sweet and delicious, but the cost was much better than the grocery store. So that’s it. I am making a resolution to visit … [Read more]
Summertime, and the livin’ is easy

Ahh, summer, the best time of year; the days are long, the weather is warm, and taking time away from work is sublime. This year Chuck and I took holidays to go on a road adventure and visit the west coast. We had a wonderful 12 days trekking our way through Banff, Vancouver and the … [Read more]
Confab 2011

Last week I was in Minneapolis for Confab, the first content strategy conference brought to us by the super-kind people of Brain Traffic. For three days I listened-to and spoke-with people that love content. Ah, bliss. It was nice to hear that many of us come from similar situations — in charge of massive amounts of content … [Read more]
Stanley Park Totems

This is a watercolour of the Stanley Park totem poles that I painted for a good friend way back in the day. She had just moved back from B.C. and I wanted her to have a little reminder. I’m not sure if it’s much of a reminder, but I really liked the way it turned … [Read more]