Be cool, my babies
We’re having a heat wave! Summer in Winnipeg is extraordinarily hot right now. It’s tough to just sit outside without disintegrating into a pile of overheated goo. That’s why I’m super pumped to go to my sister’s cabin for the weekend. She’s invited all our girlfriends out for sun, fun, bellinis and pool lounging! I’m … [Read more]
Hey, get off my lawn!

Every year, once spring arrives, Stanley starts to get the “fresh air” itch. He starts sitting non-stop by the windows in the house, looking outside, staring wistfully at the back yard, imagining a better life. Yearning for freedom; sweet, sweet freedom. And one day it happens, the door opens and we say “Stan, go outside … [Read more]
I don’t wanna grow up

And this week I don’t have to! On Wednesday, I’m flying down to Disney World and Universal Studios for four days of pure, unadulterated, childish fun! My super-awesome friend, Lily, is speaking at a conference at the Disney Yacht Club Resort and generously invited her sister, Jen, and myself to join her. Suhhh-weeeet. This will … [Read more]
Art portfolio

After a night of imbibing too much sangria with some good friends, I lazed in bed this morning and finished my first art portfolio book. This was the simplest Blurb book so far—not much text or layout styles required. Easy peasy. One thing that stood out while I was creating the book was the huge … [Read more]
2012, bring it!
Last year, I made a simple New Year’s resolution to start painting again. After procrastinating for more than eight months, I finally got down to it. It felt good. Like, really good. It became a bright spot to come home to after some frustrating days at work. It was in junior high when my art … [Read more]
Journey’s end

After spending two glorious weeks in Maui, it was nice to come home. I was starting to get homesick. My last lunch before leaving the island included the best chicken salad sandwich ever. It was filled with walnuts and cranberries, which was a really tasty combo. While noshing on our goodies in front of the … [Read more]

On our last full day in Maui, we woke up extremely early to drive to Lahaina and take the first whale watching cruise of the day. It didn’t disappoint. Only five minutes in, we had a whale swim right beside the boat. Captain Tiffany said the whale was “mugging” the boat. It looked so cool … [Read more]
Honu (Hawaiian sea turtle)

Maui’s beaches are wonderful! There is not one beach that is owned or private on the island, so you can park yourself anywhere to sit/swim/snorkel/kayak etc. Yesterday morning, we went to Palauea Beach to do some more snorkelling. It’s a great little coved beach with calm water and lots of sea life in the area. … [Read more]
Hippies, surfers and sunsets

Today was a mish-mash day. It started out with a short snorkel and swim. Then we drove to Paia to eat at Flatbread Company again because it’s so darn tasty. After lunch, we watched the surfers at Ho’okipa point (even tiny children surfers). We then hiked up the road a little more to go to … [Read more]
There is NO nightlife!

That was a comment I read on Expedia from a visitor about Maui. Truth be told, it’s kind of true. I think people are so exhausted after a full day that by the time it gets dark here (around 5:30 p.m.) they are too bagged to do anything. But just before it gets dark, you … [Read more]