A tourist says moo

I just realized I haven’t discussed my hotel yet. It’s very English and I mean that in the nicest way. I’m staying at The Cadogan Hotel. It is famous for being the hotel that Oscar Wilde was arrested in for “acts of gross indecency with another male” in 1895. The hotel is celebrating the 115th … [Read more]
Bed Knobs & Broomsticks and mummies, huh?

Yesterday, I took the London Underground for the first time. Hello! That system is simple! Everyone told me it was, but I had serious doubts because every time I looked at the map, I was confused. Well, it took me one short metro ride to figure it out. And that’s saying something for me. Portobello … [Read more]
What street is this?

Cannot even count how many times that was said this evening! After I got in a good nap this afternoon, I ventured out on a walk to familiarize myself with the neighbourhood. I’m staying in the borough of Chelsea. And boy can these streets be confusing! There are small little side streets everywhere and no … [Read more]
London in pictures – Day 1

Originally posted September 11, 2010. Here are a few pictures from my first day in London. Victoria & Albert museum – the courtyard. The sign said “no puddling.” I’m assuming that means jumping in the water. Wooden sculpture. Dude killed dragon and is now just chilling with it. The detail is incredible on this piece. … [Read more]
London calling

Well I finally made it into London and I am sitting down comfortably for the first time in a day. Whew! I thought I was never making it out of Heathrow. The flying went well and I met a nice couple from California that are off to Scotland for their holiday. They were very nice. … [Read more]

Just received an email from my friend Brenda who is currently visiting Paris. She was telling me about all the art she is seeing and how fantastic everything is. She also mentioned a Van Gogh self-portrait that made her emotional. Funny, that is exactly how I felt the first time I saw one at the … [Read more]
The final countdown

I cannot believe it’s only a week until I leave for Europe! I’m so excited to leave North America and take my first steps on a continent I have only dreamt about. To see places I’ve only read about or seen on TV. Go to the cities of Shakespeare, Rodin, Da Vinci, Michelangelo. Sweet. My … [Read more]
Hello? Is anybody out there?

I’m definitely not following that “keep your web content fresh” rule to keep visitors coming back. I see the last time I posted something was in May. Oh wait, it was actually April! Now that’s just sad. Well for anyone that might still visit this blog, here’s a little recap of what’s happened in my … [Read more]
I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads

Okay, so I’ve done it now. Last week I told my sister and mom that I will not be joining them in Europe because I have decided to go on my own. I felt bad saying it. I know I would have a good time with them, but I think I have to do this … [Read more]
…where the ladies wear no pants

Next fall I’m travelling to Europe and last week I took the first step of my adventure, I picked up a couple of travel books. Let me tell you, I’m devouring the France one. Trying to figure out the city maps, trains, and sights to see is a daunting task, but an exciting one. I … [Read more]

I was a total failure in university and I don’t care. When I was a child I wanted to be a marine biologist. No joke! This prairie girl wanted to swim in shark cages and help save the whales. I loved the sea, even though I had never been in it. So imagine my elation … [Read more]