White Orchid

For over a week I haven’t had a clue what to paint next. I was thinking weathered tree knots or rocks on the beach; something with a lot of texture. Well, as you can see, what I ended up doing was the complete opposite of that. I decided to try a simple, white orchid after … [Read more]
Bring poppies for a weary mind

Over the years, I have tried numerous times to grow bunches of poppies in the garden and they either die out or don’t even come up in the first place. Except this one, a light peachy oriental poppy that sprouts one or two blooms a season for me. They only live a few days, but … [Read more]
Please say it ain’t over

But it is, or close to. Summer, you leave so quickly; faster and faster each year. Geesh, it’s not a race buddy. Yesterday, my friend mentioned that it never fails, each year you wake up on September 1st and you feel that crisp air that signals the onset of autumn. She’s right, I felt it … [Read more]