
This week, my cousin Dale (the one with the crazy curls) came over with my new bed and helped set it up. What a sweetheart! He does stuff like that for me all the time. But that’s Dale. I don’t really think of him as a cousin, he’s like a brother. We are the same … [Read more]
You’re gonna need a bigger boat

Tomorrow, my sister Sherri is coming out to the beach to spend the night. It’s our first night together in the new house. We are going to watch Jaws, a family tradition. We’ve been watching it together for as long as I can remember. It’s one of her favourites, which is funny since it scared … [Read more]
Ah, beach life!
At 6:30 this morning, I found myself wondering what to do on such a beautiful morning. It’s sunny and breezy, a great combination. A morning walk into Gimli is the decision. I put the iPod on, tie the laces tight, and away I go. I find myself enjoying every minute. I love to walk, it’s … [Read more]